Friday, November 19, 2010

Weekly Invention by - Stik-On Bib

InventionHome announces their Invention of the Week – Stik-On Bib
Independent inventors Elaine Bernard and Arlayn Ladson enlisted the help of InventionHome to assist them in finding marketing/licensing opportunities for their invention.

The Stik-On Bib is an innovative design concept for bibs. These unique bibs do not have to be washed: they just adhere to the clothing for use, and are peeled off and thrown away after use. It makes clean up a breeze. Perfect for children…and even for adults who love their BBQ Ribs!

For help with your invention, call 866-844-6512.


InventionHome offers a low cost, low risk solution for helping inventors through each step of the invention process. They have created a simple and streamlined process for connecting inventors with manufacturers for the purpose of licensing inventions for royalties. For help with your invention, request info at: