Independent inventor Robert Reames enlisted the help of InventionHome to assist him in finding marketing/licensing opportunities for his invention.
The Pan X Tndr offers users a simple and effective way to safely prepare foods, keep them warm, serve and steam them using a single unit. This system may include a steamer insert and an adapter. The steamer insert may have a perforated base and a lip extending outwardly from the base. The adapter may have an opening to receive the steamer insert and support the perforated surface above the bottom of a skillet or similar piece of cookware. The peripheral portion of the steamer insert rests upon a rim of the adapter when the assembly is configured. Items can be placed within the insert and steamed by water added to the skillet or pan. This allows food to easily be accessed in the insert as desired by the user. The adapter may be aluminum with the insert being steel or a similar durable material with a non-stick coating. Items can easily be placed around the adapter for serving or warming purposes and may also act as a splashguard. This item may be available in various colors and sizes to accommodate user preferences and needs.

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